Home Troubleshoot Know how to create Self Destructive EMails

Know how to create Self Destructive EMails

Know how to create Self Destructive EMails

You must have seen many futuristic technologies in Movies, but today we will tell you a trick that will make you to think twice. Now you can send self destructive message through Gmail. Yes, these mails will self destruct after they are read. There are many online services in the market that are giving options to create self destructive Emails. Here’s how:

Create Self Destructive EMails

 1: OneShar.es

This website gives you a URL of your message. You can send this URL through Gmail. Once the URL is opened, it gets self invalidated and no one can use it again. It also deletes that message from their servers.

2: Privnote

This website also gives a unique URL for the message that you have typed. Once the message is read through that URL, it gets expired and the message is self deleted. To get the URL, just type the message and hit Create Note button.

3: Self-Destructing Message (www.destructingmessage.com)

This is a unique website which offers to send anonymous mails as well as generate links for your message. Choose an option (email or URL) from drop down menu and then choose the time after which the message will self deleted. Then type the message and click on Create Message button.

Hope you like this article.You can easily create Self Destructive EMails by following the above given steps. If you are still facing any problem then comment below

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